It is still early to determine to what extent some healthy lifestyle habits, namely, moderate exercise and a healthy diet, can prevent the appearance of tumors, but the first indications suggest that research is in the right direction.
The correlation between a healthy life and the prevention of tumors has been studied for several decades. In 2011, a work sponsored by Cancer Research UK claimed that 42.7% of cancer cases could be prevented with changes in lifestyle. It was based on statistical data from the previous year in the United Kingdom, when smoking was responsible for 19.4% of cases diagnosed, followed by obesity (5.5%) and low consumption of fruits and vegetables in the diet (4.7%).
Last year was the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) who paid for this thesis and noted that a healthy diet, accompanied by moderate physical activity and weight control, can prevent between 15 and 30% of tumors. And more recently, a patriotic work, developed by researchers from the Carlos III Health Institute and the Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group (GEICAM), determined that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 30%.
This diet, distinguished as Intangible Cultural Heritage by Unesco, is one of the healthiest and most balanced. It is characterized by a varied consumption of fish, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, fruits and vegetables and a low consumption of juices and caloric beverages.
There is still a long way to go, but the first speculations have already emerged regarding specific foods that can slow or eradicate the appearance of tumors. One particularly important in the prevention of colon and prostate cancer is tomato.