Hector Bonilla He declined to be a lawyer because he did not want to become a thief, and by pursuing his vocation he bet the cinema that confronts the system, the television that breaks molds and the reflective theater.
Hardened and combative from always, Bonilla made a decision that he does not regret todayOn the contrary, he boasts that he has challenged himself and left the conventions. And the facts prove it.
His impetus, according to an interview with Notimex, even led him to write songs dedicated to the family, to the children, to the Homeland, “I even wrote one for Eugenia León”.
Today, at 80, kidney cancer is his main enemy; however, it does not crack and he faces it with courage.
The actor claims that his destiny was written and directed towards the arts and not the law, a career he studied for four years.
“I am the last of six children. My father arrived barefoot from Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla, and he made three races. My mother was a relevant teacher of Teaching Technique, all my brothers are brilliant professionals and I am very good for Literature, History, Biology, but not for Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
“Then, in third year of high school, when I was fighting with the exact sciences, the teacher of Spanish Language and Literature I happened to take a step-short pieces that were interspersed in the representation of other works-, of Lope de Rueda, in the auditorium of the school and I realized that people laughed when I wanted to, and he kept quiet when I wanted to, and I said from here I'm“, Shared the actor smiling.
Although he claims to be passionate about Roman Law and the Philosophy of Law, the actor explained that he put aside his career as a lawyer because he discovered in practice that “the best lawyer was the one who knew how to steal a file and bribe a judge , and I said: “I am not from here”, and I left the race. Obviously for what I have faculties is to act. “
“I've always fought with the system,” says Bonilla about his participation in productions filmed in hiding, such as Rojo Amanecer, a film that portrays the massacre of Tlatelolco on October 2, 1968.
According to the actor, that is the cinema he did with danger. “Since its filming was done clandestinely and the paradox is that it was approved by the president Carlos Salinas de Gortari“He pointed with a smile who filmed secretly next to María Rojo, Demian and Bruno Bichir, and Eduardo Palomo, among other actors.
The project was made among friends and even had to be edited in hiding to evade censorship and achieve its exhibition.
“Several films that I have made remained in the inkwell or are unpublished as María de mi corazón”. This in contrast to what I've done in theater, which are more than 140 works where I have played many characters and I've also won several awards, “said Bonilla, who for his career in the film industry will be creditor to the Golden Ariel, maximum distinction granted by the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (AMACC).
Fight against cancer
Last February the actor confirmed that he had cancer in the kidney and according to him, his family – wife, three children and seven grandchildren – has been his support to deal with the disease that is treated in the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition ” Salvador Zubirán. “
“I am 80 years old, and if I do not die for cancer within 10 minutes I will continue working (…) I'm going to participate in the first feature of Gerardo Gatica, “Bonilla points out jokingly about the work proposals he has.
“Right now you see me with hair and in an hour I will not have it anymore, surely the day of the Ariels will say that it is because of cancer, I'm going to die in the microphone, but no, I have to shave for the next movie I'll do. I do not have chemotherapy, there are not any for a kidney treatment, “continued the protagonist of the film” Un padre no tan padre “, produced by Gatica and Alberto Muffelmann.
By delving into the cancer of the kidney with which he has been diagnosed, he said that he seems to be fighting because “the people who care for me, who evaluate me periodically, say they are happy with those who were waiting and that I am doing well. I want to believe it, because I really want to live. “
Contributions to television
As a television actor, Bonilla sought to bet on the different; however, he found obstacles in the people who put the money to produce. “I wanted the arguments to be more sophisticated, to gain more weight from the true interpretation and to make a much more worthy product,” he said.
“In The glory and hell we left the forum, we seek to evade this story of two weak young people who know each other, cross a series of avatars and get married at the end. We managed to record totally outdoors on a hacienda, call a film director to have a point of view behind the camera and reject any television actor, only to have actors from the cinema and theater to pretend to make the other television, but we get stuck by the criteria of the companies, “he said.
Music is a procuress
Little is known about the facet of Hector Bonilla as a composer and is that it ensures that “God Google” He still does not discover it. However, he maintains that he has written many songs and that he even recorded an album that he himself produced and which is called For the friends.
However, he made the decision not to build a musical career after a September 15 was to sing with a mariachi to a dive in the Zona Rosa, where a woman drunk “I went to get without saying water and obviously one is not made of rubber,” laughs shares the actor who declined to develop a career as a singer by the proxies that result.
“They are 38 years of life with my wife (Sofía Álvarez), in her I found my complement. It's the lottery that I've taken out in life“Added the versatile artist, who says that now that he is old, he is going to sing.
In fact, he announced that he has written a song for Eugenia León to interpret. “It is called Secretary and exalts the right to the promiscuity of women. I learned that the most successful day in the motels is Secretary's Day, “he said.