Spanish researchers define markers that identify patients sensitive to a treatment in renal cancer

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Spanish researchers from Integral Cancer Center Clara Campal HM CIOCC They have defined for the first time a series of molecular markers that identify those patients who may be sensitive to a specific treatment in renal cancer.

The research, published in the ‘International Journal of Cancer’ magazine, has identified for the first time this predictive marker that would respond to a targeted therapy in this disease, specifically, the approach with RAPALOG drugs, or mTOR protein inhibitors. In this way, it would be possible to predict which patients should be treated with this type of drugs specifically.

“If confirmed in future work, we would be facing the first form of individualization of treatment in this tumor,” says the lead author of the work, Jesús García-Donas. Researchers are already planning the clinical trial confirming the discovery, which, validate, “predict which patients should be treated with this type of drugs specifically. This would represent a milestone in renal cancer, as it would be the identification of the first predictive marker of response for a targeted therapy in this disease. ”


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